Publication on the Ecobox Building, headquarters of Fundación Metrópoli.
The building was conceived as an experimental project integrating two fundamental criteria: the creation of a place for innovation and creativity and the commitment to bioclimatic principles. The objective of the Ecobox was to create an innovative building to promote the connection betwwen man and nature. The philosophy of Ecobox is in line with the philosophy of Fundación Metrópoli: a commitment towards creativity and the construction of a sustainable future.
Published: Madrid, Spain, 2006
Length: 80 pages
Text in English and Spanish
ISBN: 978-84-611-2608-8
A world of cities
The challenge of energy and sustainability
Fundación Metrópoli. Building a sustainable future
Ecobox. A space for innovation and creativity
Bioclimatic components
Architectural expression
Fundacion Metropoli