23 / 10 / 2019 - News
Metropoli’s represetentative, Alex Camprubi, lectured about Urban Diamonds, The urban network connectivity, at the Annual Planning Congress of China 2019. The congress had an affluence of 10,000 professionals and discussed the future of urban planning in China. In the conference, Alex Camprubi described the relevance of establishing urban connectivity between mid-sized cities within regions through digital and physical connectivity platforms based on the complementary components of the excellence of cities.
Mr. Camprubi demonstrated the effects in the economy of SUPERCITIES when they are linked through urban diamonds by analyzing the case studies of Bilbao and Vitoria in the Basque Diamond; Bintan and Batam within the Blue Diamond of Indonesia; Barranquilla and Cartagena within the Caribbean Diamond; and Montevideo and Buenos Aires in the Rio de la Plata Diamond.
There is a high potential of increasing wealth in Chinese mid-sized cities by applying the theory of urban diamonds. By establishing strategic policies and projects, relationships between neural city networks would be enhanced, raising the bar on the quest for sustainable development with a dynamic economy while enhancing the regional ecological network.
The panel took place on October 21st, 2019 and was organized by Tsinghua University, who explored Urban Development with New Technologies with concern on Climate Change with a panel of experts from China and Europe.
The outcome will be published by the Urban Planning Society of China in the coming weeks.